Distributed Applications Course Material
We are using terminology normally used in the Erlang / Elixir context. When we talk about OS-related terminology, we will specifically mention this.
Tasks are an abstraction of normal processes, meant to easily execute asynchronous compute-intensive operations and await their response.
They normally require no communication, and also provide a useful API to do different operations.
There are different kinds of tasks, but let us start with the most basic form: a task that gives a response.
Let us start with a very simple factorial module.
defmodule Factorials do
def calculate(n), do: calculate(n, 1)
def calculate(1, acc), do: acc
def calculate(n, acc), do: calculate(n - 1, acc * n)
We’ll use a benchmark module which will be explained later on.
Calculating the factorial of 50,000 will take a while: on my system it takes 1.7s. Imagine that we offer a platform/API to calculate one or more factorials at the same time. The user gives a set of numbers (e.g., in a web browser), then has to wait until all the factorials have been calculated synchronously. This will take a unnecessarily large amount of time. We can improve on this by performing the task asynchronously. Note that these asynchronous tasks have no need to communicate with each other (i.e., each computation is independent of the others and they don’t rely on each other’s results), which is the easiest form of asynchronous computing.
and Task.await
First let us start a tedious task:
iex(1)> t =
...(1)> Task.async(fn ->
...(1)> :timer.sleep(10_000) # Wait 10 seconds
...(1)> "Returning hi"
...(1)> end)
owner: #PID<0.105.0>,
pid: #PID<0.111.0>,
ref: #Reference<0.1392272653.3360948226.102954>
A short clarification:
is a struct. This is just a bare map underneath. Operations such as Map.get
or Map.fetch
work without any problems.true
and false
. However, due to the asynchronous nature of the request, these answers can arrive in any order. It is therefore important to tag each response, so that you can know which answer corresponds to which question. References are an efficient way to achieve this.In the end, the Task
struct does nothing more than bundle a process with some
extra information into one “object”.
In the above task, which is just an example showing how we can collect output from a task, the last value emitted is “returning HI”. This result can be collected with Task.await(task)
iex(2)> result = Task.await(t, 10_000)
"Returning hi"
The first argument is the task, the second is a timeout value.
normally waits until the task has produced a result.
The timeout value (here 10 seconds) is an upper bound
on the waiting time: if the task has not produced a result
after 10 seconds, await
will exit the current process.
An example use case would be that a user with malicious intentions inserts extremely high numbers in your Factorial calculation website in the hopes to crash your system, but thanks to the timeout you can define how many seconds one task is allowed to take.
Similarly to Task.await
, Task.yield
also allows you to wait for a task’s result,
but instead of exiting the process on timeout, it will simply return nil
. This allows you to periodically check if a task has finished.
To demonstrate the usage and benefits of Task.yield
, we’ll write a module that executes specific code until the task is finished.
defmodule MyTaskChecker do
@timeout = 3_000 # This is a constant
def check(%Task{} = t) do
IO.puts("Start periodic checking for task with PID #{inspect(t.pid)}")
report(t, nil)
# Note the second parameter: this clause catches
# cases where the result is missing (= due to timeout)
defp report(%Task{} = t, nil) do
result = Task.yield(t, @timeout) # Returns nil on timeout
report(t, result)
defp report(_t, result), do: result
t =
Task.async(fn ->
’s %Task{} = t
parameter means that it’s expected to be a Task
struct. It essentially means “this parameter must satisfy the pattern %Task{}
and we call it t
.” After that we print a quick message and start reporting. To get things started, check
calls report
with nil
, which causes the first clause to be executed.
This code serves to illustrate a task that takes 20 seconds, which we check upon every 3 seconds. When we call Task.yield
and there is no result after 3 seconds, it returns nil
. In this case, the first MyTaskChecker.report
clause matches, prints a message and tries Task.yield
again. When it is finished it returns the result. To see this is in action:
iex> MyTaskChecker.check(t)
Start periodic checking for task with PID #PID<0.406.0>
{:ok, "Finished"}
As you can see, this is perfect to execute code while waiting for your task to finish.
Let us build a simple wrapper around our Factorial
module to allow us to calculate the factorials for a whole list, so that we can demonstrate the use of Task.yield_many
Considering we already have most of our code (the logic) of our FactorialAPI
, we can focus on the “interface” module. Though in order to protect our fictive server on which this code will run, we’re going to provide a timeout based on the completion time of the complete list.
To put it into perspective, imagine a list with the elements
. We can immediately guess which factorials can be calculated within a given time frame, and which cannot. In this case, we’ll just return the factorials of the elements which we can calculate within reasonable time and an error for those which are too large.
defmodule FactorialAPI do
def calculate_list(l) when is_list(l) do
# Create list of tasks
tasks = Enum.map(l, &Task.async(fn -> Factorials.calculate(&1) end))
# Wait for as many tasks as possible, max. 2 seconds
results = Task.yield_many(tasks, 2_000)
# Deal with results
Enum.map(results, &process_task_output/1)
# Clause for unfinished tasks: kill them
defp process_task_output({t, nil}) do
Task.shutdown(t, :brutal_kill)
{:error, :timeout_exceeded}
# Clause for tasks having finished within time limit
defp process_task_output({_t, {:ok, resp}}), do: resp
The FactorialAPI
has one public entry point: the calculate_list
function. We start a task for each number in the list, which are then collected by Task.yield_many
with a timeout of 2 seconds. Every task in the list tasks
will return a tuple consisting of { %Task{}, response }
where the first element is the Task
struct and the second the response. The response can be either {:ok, result}
or nil
, the latter
being returned if the task has not completed within the given time limit.
Sample usage of this module would be:
iex> FactorialAPI.calculate_list([1, 2, 3, 999_999_999_999])
[1, 2, 6, {:error, :timeout_exceeded}]
Here you can see that the process_task_output
function pattern matches on the output. Keep in mind that if the task is still running, we have to kill it manually. That is what the Task.shutdown
is for. The :brutal_kill
argument is the exit signal.
There are several exit signals. When using Task.shutdown
you can also pass a timeout instead of the exit signal, which will send the :shutdown exit signal after the timeout. In our case, we don’t want to wait and just kill it straight away. Hence the :brutal_kill