Distributed Applications

Distributed Applications Course Material


A quick example with raw processes

In order to illustrate the benefits of a GenServer, let’s take a quick look at how we would implement a very simple state with raw processes. We’re going to take a simple library process that needs to be able to add books to its library and be able to return the data when requested.

defmodule LibraryProcess do
  @default_books [
    "I love little ponies",
    "Next to the mountain is a rainbow",
    "Look at this little bear"

  # A simple start function to start this process
  def start(args), do: spawn(RawProcess, :init, [args])

  # Init will do the initial configuration such as:
  #   - Name registration
  #   - State configuration
  #   - ...
  def init(_args) do
    Process.register(self(), __MODULE__)
    loop(%{books: @default_books})

  defp loop(state) do
    receive do
      {:get_all_books, pid} ->
        send(pid, {:response_books, state.books})

      {:add_book, book} ->
        loop(%{books: [book | state.books]})

The process can be started with the start/1 function, which then initializes the process. When the initialization is complete, an infinite loop that receives messages is called upon. When a message is sent towards the library process to e.g. retrieve the list of the books, it’ll send back all the available books to the pid.

Note that in order to support this construction, this takes a lot of work. A lot can go wrong when manually managing loops, state updates, messages, unexpected messages, etc…

This construction is so common, not to mention that there are a lot more common configuration parts not mentioned here, that this has been put in the GenServer behaviour. A GenServer, or generic server, is a process that has 2 parts defined in its module: the API and Server part.

To sum up some advantages:

Putting it very concisely, in all the years that Erlang has proven itself as a battle-tested programming language, there have been several “constructs” that are so common and became boilerplate code. GenServer abstracts this away, so that you can just focus on the important bits.

GenServer vs Agent vs Task

If you want to know the difference, I couldn’t explain it better than this post. A quick summary:

Overview GenServer behaviour

Look at the slides for an overview of the GenServer API.

A basic task handler

Imagine we have a GenServer keeping track of how many tasks can be executed at the same time and sends the response back to the initializer. This means that the GenServer will:

That’s a lot to maintain. Let us start with the beginning, starting the GenServer and registering the process.

Initializing the GenServer

We define our module with the use macro:

defmodule MyGenServer do
  use GenServer

You can compare use with “inheriting” from the GenServer module. When you run this, you should see something like this:

warning: function init/1 required by behaviour GenServer is not implemented (in module MyGenServer).

We will inject a default implementation for now:

    def init(init_arg) do
      {:ok, init_arg}

You can copy the implementation above or define your own that converts the arguments given to `GenServer.start_link/3` to the server state.

  mygenserver.exs:1: MyGenServer (module)

Writing this documentation is easy if all I have to do is copy the output from elixir, but maybe some highlights:

We will inject a default implementation is a result of the use macro. Just like an interface, the GenServer behaviour requires us to implement some callbacks and the init/1 function. When we write the use macro, we’re actually allowing some other module to inject code into the current module. In this example, it has been detected that we didn’t implement init/1. Though the GenServer behaviour requires this callback. Hence it injects the default implementation into our module.

Other than that, nothing is said of the API side which you will see most of the times (or is actually required). Let us refactor this:

defmodule MyGenServer do
  use GenServer

  #  API   #
  def start(args), do: GenServer.start(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)

  # SERVER #
  def init(init_arg), do: {:ok, init_arg}

Wonderful. Compiling this doesn’t throw any warnings or errors anymore. But what does this code do?

We can now call MyGenServer.start/1 which causes GenServer.start/3 to be executed which starts the GenServer without linking it to the current process. It takes 3 arguments:

The init/1 callback

When we start a GenServer (e.g. GenServer.start or GenServer.start_link), the init/1 callback is called upon. The process calling this function (e.g. your shell) will block until the response from your init function is returned. This is often frowned upon, as most of the heavy work necessary for computing your initials state is done in the handle_continue callback (we’ll cover this later).

Let’s first take a look at an example with basic argument passing:

defmodule MyGenServer do
  use GenServer
  require IEx

  def start(args), do: GenServer.start(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)
  def init(args), do: IEx.pry()

MyGenServer.start([a: :value, b: :another_value])

Note: you can “pry” into a process with the IEx module. Keep in mind that you have to import it first using require IEx. When calling this with iex -r mygenserver.exs, you will see the following message:

> $ iex mygenserver.exs
Request to pry #PID<0.109.0> at MyGenServer.init/1 (mygenserver.exs:20)

   18:   require IEx
   19:   def start_link(args), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)
   20:   def init(args), do: IEx.pry()
   21: end

Allow? [Yn]
Interactive Elixir (1.9.1) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
pry(1)> args
[a: :value, b: :another_value]

Here you can see that the arguments have been passed automatically into the init/1 function. This should normally reply with one of these responses, but most likely you’ll return something like {:ok, state} where state is a variable.


Structs are basically maps where the presence of mandatory keys is checked at compile time. Maps also allow default values to be defined. We’ll use it to define our limit of tasks that can be active at the time in our basic task handler.

Defining a struct for your module is accomplished with defstruct. When you use a combination of default values and implicit nil values, you must first specify the fields which implicitly default to nil.

defmodule TaskHandler do
  use GenServer

  defstruct task_limit: 2, tasks: []

  def start_link(args), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)
  def init(_args), do: {:ok, %TaskHandler{}}

In the above example, you can see that the defstruct has several default values which will be used as your initial state. Because a struct is a bare map underneath, we can use it like a normal map:

# Normal map usage
%{task_limit: 2, tasks: []}
# Usage as a struct (overriding default values)
%TaskHandler{task_limit: 4, tasks: []}

With the defstruct task_limit: 2, tasks: [] statement, we’ve introduced default values. When we call %TaskHandler{}, we create a map (similar to the normal map usage), but we say that when no arguments are provided, we use the default values. If you want to override values, you can do this is the traditional way as you did with maps.

Adding @enforce_keys will enforce giving necessary parameters to create your struct. A possible implementation could be:

defmodule TaskHandler do
  use GenServer

  defmodule TaskHandler.State do
    @enforce_keys [:task_limit]
    defstruct [:task_limit, tasks: []]

  def start_link(args), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)
  def init(args), do: {:ok, struct!(TaskHandler.State, args)}

In this example, we won’t work with mandatory keys. We simplify our code to:

defmodule TaskHandler do
  use GenServer

  defstruct task_limit: 2, tasks: []

  def start_link(args \\ []), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)
  def init(args), do: {:ok, struct(TaskHandler, args)}

Right now we’re using named processes, or named GenServer to be precise. Therefore we do not need to worry about PID’s, as we can always retrieve it with Process.whereis(TaskHandler). This is very useful for processes where only one kind of this process is active. As soon as you need multiple processes of a module, this approach is no longer possible and you’ll have to work with PID’s.

We will come back to this when we cover handle_cast and handle_call.

handle continue

Later on we’ll see the complete implementation of this GenServer, but for now we’ll just focus on the handle continue callback. As already mentioned before, we don’t want to do long/expensive operations in our init function. That’s why there is a handle continue callback, which assures that this is the first message in the mailbox. A simple example:

defmodule TaskHandler do
  use GenServer
  defstruct task_limit: 2, tasks: [], queue: []

  def start_link(args \\ []), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)

  def init(args), do: {:ok, struct(TaskHandler, args), {:continue, :start_recurring_tasks}}

  def handle_continue(:start_recurring_tasks, state) do
    send(self(), :check_tasks)
    {:noreply, state}

In the init/1 callback you can see that instead of just saying {:ok, state}, we return a 3 element tuple with {:continue, :start_recurring_tasks}. This assures that the first message in the mailbox, after the GenServer process is alive, is :start_recurring_tasks which needs to be handled with handle_info. In this case, we’ll use it to send periodic “checks”.

Note: the GenServer process is already alive when the function init/1 is called!

handle info

We’ve now got a GenServer with a message that can’t be handled, i.e., :check_tasks. If we don’t define a handle_info clause dealing with this message, our GenServer will log this message and ignore it. Let us implement this now:

# Deal with empty queue: no tasks to be executed
def handle_info(:check_tasks, %{tasks: t, queue: []} = s) do
  # Separate alive from finished task processes
  {alive, _finished} = Enum.split_with(t, fn pid -> Process.alive?(pid) end)

  # Send reminder to self to check tasks after @check_time milliseconds
  Process.send_after(self(), :check_tasks, @check_time)

  # No return value, update process state
  {:noreply, %{s | tasks: alive}}

# Nonempty queue
def handle_info(:check_tasks, %{tasks: t, queue: [first_fun | rest]} = s) do
  # Send reminder to self to check tasks after @check_time milliseconds
  Process.send_after(self(), :check_tasks, @check_time)

  # Separate alive from finished
  Enum.split_with(t, fn pid -> Process.alive?(pid) end)
  |> case do
    {_alive, []} ->
      # Second list empty, i.e., there are no finished processes
      {:noreply, s}

    {alive, _finished} ->
      # Create process for next task, add to task list. Queue contains rest of tasks.
      {:noreply, %{s | tasks: [spawn(first_fun) | alive], queue: rest}}

Note that we’re using multi-clause functions for the same message. The handle_info/2 has two parameters.

So what does this code do? Let us start with the first function clause, the one where our queue is empty. To provide some extra information: This is just a GenServer which will keep a list of spawned PID’s (which are not linked to this process!).

First of all we check that the queue is empty. Though we do assign the list of spawned PID’s to t, which is a list. After that we’ll filter the dead tasks out of it (for now we don’t mind about values which could be collected, like with Tasks, or any other kind of response values like EXIT or DOWN messages).

{alive, _finished} = Enum.split_with(t, fn pid -> Process.alive?(pid) end)

Long story short, all the alive processes are in the alive variable and finished “tasks”, or more accurately processes in this case, are ignored. After that we update the state with the alive tasks. Note that somewhere defined the module attribute @check_time which will be filled in at compile time in the code. This Process.send_after/3 function will just resend the same message after @check_time seconds.

Now, this is quite simple when we have nothing in the queue. What if we do have something in the queue? That’s what the second handle_info is for. After sending the message again, we do the similar higher order function Enum.split_with and pipe this into the case statement.

Enum.split_with(t, fn pid -> Process.alive?(pid) end)
|> case do
  {_, []} -> {:noreply, s}
  {alive, _finished} -> {:noreply, %{s | tasks: [spawn(first_fun) | alive], queue: rest}}

Putting this very concisely: if there’s no task finished yet, just wait. If there are finished processes, which we don’t use (hence the _ in the _finished variable), we update our current tasks with the PID of the new process.

Also note we are using the map short update syntax, which is %{map | existing_key: new_value}. We do this for the tasks key, and prepend the output of spawn/1, which is a PID, to the active tasks list.

Great, now the only remaining step is handle_cast and handle_call.

handle_cast for asynchronous code

If we want to directly interact with our GenServer, which most likely is the case, you’ll want to either use handle_call or handle_cast. Note that handle_call is a synchronous call, which is meant to give a response, while handle_cast is often used for “fire and forget” operations, thus being asynchronous.

In this case, we’ll add a function to be executed in our task list or execute it immediately if our queue is lower than our :task_limit variable in our state.

  def handle_cast({:add, fun}, %{tasks: t, queue: q, task_limit: tl} = s) when length(t) >= tl,
    do: {:noreply, %{s | queue: [fun | q]}}

  def handle_cast({:add, fun}, %{tasks: tasks} = s),
    do: {:noreply, %{s | tasks: [spawn(fun) | tasks]}}

Once again multi-clause functions allow us to write specific code for each function. The first one has a guard that checks whether we can still execute new tasks. If that’s not possible, we just add it to the queue. If it is possible, we just start the process and add it to our remaining tasks.

handle_call to retrieve information

The last important callback is handle_call. Keep in mind that this is synchronous and will block your client process until you receive a response! In our case, we’ll just use it to dump the current state of the GenServer.

  def handle_call(:status, _from, s), do: {:reply, s, s}

The handle_call function takes 3 parameters.

After that, we have a range of choices of what to return. These choices are described here, but we’re just replying the state (2nd element of the tuple) and the 3rd element of the tuple is the new state.

Note: you can return a :noreply tuple, but it is still necessary to return a reply!

PID’s vs name registration

As we’ve seen with GenServer.cast and GenServer.call, the first argument should be an identifier for the server. According to the documentation, this can either be a PID or a value representing the registered name. A tuple consisting of {atom, node} is also supported when working over multiple nodes.


Note that this is a very rudimentary, unfinished, basic task handler. You’ll almost never write such code in production, but this is just to illustrate the GenServer behaviour. If you want to create tasks dynamically, you’ll most likely use a Dynamic Supervisor or a Task Supervisor. Here is the complete code:

defmodule TaskHandler do
  use GenServer
  @check_time 100
  defstruct task_limit: 2, tasks: [], queue: []

  # CLIENT #
  def start_link(args \\ []), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)
  def status(), do: GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :status)

  def add_task(func) when is_function(func), do: GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:add, func})

  # SERVER #
  def init(args), do: {:ok, struct(TaskHandler, args), {:continue, :start_recurring_tasks}}

  def handle_cast({:add, fun}, %{tasks: t, queue: q, task_limit: tl} = s) when length(t) >= tl,
    do: {:noreply, %{s | queue: [fun | q]}}

  def handle_cast({:add, fun}, %{tasks: tasks} = s),
    do: {:noreply, %{s | tasks: [spawn(fun) | tasks]}}

  def handle_call(:status, _from, s), do: {:reply, s, s}

  def handle_info(:check_tasks, %{tasks: t, queue: []} = s) do
    {alive, _fin} = Enum.split_with(t, fn pid -> Process.alive?(pid) end)
    Process.send_after(self(), :check_tasks, @check_time)
    {:noreply, %{s | tasks: alive}}

  def handle_info(:check_tasks, %{tasks: t, queue: [first_fun | rest]} = s) do
    Process.send_after(self(), :check_tasks, @check_time)

    Enum.split_with(t, fn pid -> Process.alive?(pid) end)
    |> case do
      {_, []} -> {:noreply, s}
      {alive, _fin} -> {:noreply, %{s | tasks: [spawn(first_fun) | alive], queue: rest}}

  def handle_continue(:start_recurring_tasks, state) do
    send(self(), :check_tasks)
    {:noreply, state}

pid = self()

send_after_3_secs = fn ->
  send(pid, :finished_3sec_function)

send_after_2_secs = fn ->
  send(pid, :finished_2sec_function)

send_after_1_secs = fn ->
  send(pid, :finished_1sec_function)

t = TaskHandler.start_link()

Note that this code does not provide any guarantees in which order the code is executed.


Why didn’t we use the task module? That’s because you most likely want a response from your task, even if it is just :ok. This would mean that we have to use Task.yield or Task.await. Using these functions links the task to our current GenServer, which wouldn’t be a wise choice. What if a user tries a simple function with raise "oops"? Our whole GenServer would crash with the complete queue. We can counteract this with a supervisor, but that’s a little bit too early in this course.

Note: There is a Task.Supervisor.async_nolink/3, but as the name implies it requires a Supervisor.