Distributed Applications Course Material
The idea behind functional programming is simple: everything is immutable, i.e., unchangeable. This entails the following:
Basically, it’s as if you declare everything readonly
in C#,
or final
in Java, or const
in C++.
A bit of terminology: another word for immutable is stateless. Something that can be modified during its lifetime is stateful, while something that remains forever the same is stateless. Functional programming consists of working only stateless. The opposite of functional programming is imperative programming.
Imperative Programming | Functional Programming |
Stateful | Stateless |
Mutable values | Immutable values |
Quick disclaimer: the text below is a rather simplified view of things, but an accurate treatise on the topic would lead us far away from the actual goals set by this course.
We can distinguish two philosophies:
Imperative programming primarily follows the first school of thought, while functional programming adheres to the second. Languages used in the industry (C, C++, Cobol, Java, C#, JavaScript, …) are generally more pragmatic and lean towards the imperative side. Conversely, academic languages (Haskell, Prolog, Agda, …) tend to be functional in nature.
However, the general trend in programming language evolution is clearly towards the functional style: as research advances and CPUs grow more powerful, functional programming becomes a viable alternative.
For example, the quintessential programming “language” is assembly,
where you write instructions that can be directly understood by the CPU.
Its syntax, however, is abominable. FORTRAN (portmanteau of formula and translator)
was the first language to sport a more readable syntax, i.e.,
it allowed you to write a + b
instead of ADD AX, BX
This development can be seen as a first step towards the philosophy behind
functional programming: the task of parsing of code and its translation to assembly
has moved from humans to machine.
Similarly, CPUs have grown quite complex and its become humanly infeasible to write code that fully leverages the capabilities of the CPU. Again, the job of micro-optimization has also moved from humans to machine (compilers.)
Another fine example of the tension between the two philosophies is exemplified in the contradictory opinions held by different types of programmers:
As you can see, more and more aspects of programming were relegated to the machine so that humans could focus more on specifying the desired behavior of the program and less on low level minutiae.
The ideal of letting the machine do all the programming work is of course
an appealing one, and perhaps, one day, it will be taken over
in full by the machine, possibly thanks to developments in AI.
However, until the day comes when we can have machines program themselves,
we still carry the responsibility of performing the job of
bullying programming our machines as well as possible.
In the previous section, however, we seemingly suggested that functional programming is somehow the holy grail, the pinnacle of software engineering, the divine culmination of computer science. A bold statement if there ever was one.
Functional programming certainly has its advantages, but, as with all things in life, it also comes with its share of frustrating shortcomings. We will not claim that functional programming is a panacea. It has its place, and it will be up to you to decide when to go stateless and when to go stateful.
Unfortunately, as thrilling as an in-depth discussion may sound, there’s little use for it within the boundaries of this course. Elixir, the language in which we’ll code, has made the choice for you: it is a purely functional language, which means it leaves you no choice but to go stateless. The best we can do is to explain why the designers chose to take such an “extreme” stance.
You’re probably used to writing single-threaded code: you write a bunch of instructions and expect them to be executed sequentially. This is similar to having a single cook in the kitchen: he does not have to worry about other cooks and has got all kitchen equipment available to him.
Things quickly become much more complex when we introduce a second thread of execution. Suddenly, there are two cooks in the kitchen working at once, and you have to ensure they don’t accidentally use the same cooking pot at the same time, lest both their dishes be ruined.
You might expect cooks to be observant enough to notice that the pot they intend to make their soup in already has a stew in it. In the case of human cooks, you’d be right, but (plot twist!) these are robotic cooks we are talking about, and those blindly follow the instructions you set out for them. This means you have to tell them how to ensure that whatever one robotic cook does, it must not interfere with the other cooks’ work. This is known as synchronization.
Let us be frank: synchronization is hard.
We can mitigate this issue by instituting the following rule: Whenever a cook needs some tool (an over, a skillet, a knife, …) it always takes a new one from the cupboard. No attempt at reusing pots is made. This way, two cooks will never use the same piece of equipment.
The rule may seem a bit problematic to enforce: it basically requires you to have an infinite amount of each kitchen utensil, otherwise the cooks will surely run out by the end of their shift. This is where the dishwasher comes in: like a regular Tobias Fünke, he surreptitiously moves around the kitchen, unnoticed by the cooks, and collects all dirty pots and pans, cleans them and puts them back in the cupboard, ready to be fetched by the cooks. But as far as the cooks are aware, there’s an infinite amount of kitchen equipment in the cupboard. In the computer world, the garbage collector takes the place of the dishwasher. Its job is to pretend that there’s an infinite amount of memory.
The kitchen utensils of course correspond to values/objects in the software world.
Data can be similarly shared among cooks threads, and herein lies the danger:
if by any chance two or more threads happen to modify the same data at the same time (= cooking in each other’s pots),
incorrect results ensue (= soupstew). It is therefore necessary
to introduce synchronization (locks, monitors, semaphores, …)
which mediates access to this shared data.
A good rule of thumb is that you want only one thread to be able to modify data at a time,
but there is no risk in allowing multiple threads to read the same data in parallel.
We say that threads share state if there is mutable data that can be modified by both threads. Whenever shared state exists, the necessary safeguards need to be implemented. However, doing so correctly is quite complex. In short, like premature optimization, shared state is the root of all evil.
But what if we were to simply prohibit shared state? This is more or less what kitchen rule 1 accomplishes: only tools fresh from the cupboard are allowed, guaranteeing that no two cooks share the same equipment. Similarly, if all data is immutable, no variables are written to, only read from, meaning there is no state and consequently no shared state, rendering synchronization superfluous.
So, in summary, functional programming enables parallelism without having to worry about synchronization. That’s definitely a good thing.
Distributed applications is multi-threading on steroids. It is clearly multi-threaded, as the process runs on two different machines All difficulties of regular multi-threaded are therefore inherited, but fortunately, so is our solution.
Multi-threaded applications running on a single machine have the advantage that memory is shared: once one thread has created or modified some data, it is automatically accessible to all other threads. There’s no need to copy data from one thread to another.
However, in the case of distributed applications, there is no shared memory. All relevant data must be duplicated across all machines and kept up to date: if one machine decides to change the data, these updates must be propagated to all other machines. This complicates things greatly.
Lucky for us, stateless programming saves the day again: no mutations means no need to update data across machines. Data generated on one machine only needs to be sent once to all other interested machines and it’ll remain up to date forever by definition.
Admittedly, we’re cheating a bit here: if no mutations are allowed, it means that functional programs will simply generated more fresh data. So, instead of sending updates about mutations, we’re simply sending updates about data creation. It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. For this reason, it is still important to distribute your application sensibly over multiple machines.
So what’s the conclusion of all this? Did we simply substitute one problem (synchronization) for another (finding the optimal distribution)? Well, yes and no.
If mistakes are made with regard to the distribution, you still get correct results, albeit somewhat inefficiently. If your synchronization is done wrong, you get wrong results, and in the end, your number one priority should always be correctness. In other words: the punishment for errors is less harsh in the case of functional programming.