Cheat Sheets

A collection of cheat sheets.

Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



Syntax Semantics
x + y Addition
x - y Subtraction
x * y Multiplication
x / y Division (floating point)
div(x, y) Integer division
rem(x, y) Remainder division
:math.sqrt(x) Square root
:math.pow(x) Power


Syntax Semantics
x == y Equality
x === y Strict equality
x != y Inequality
x !== y Strict inequality
x < y Less than
x <= y Less than or equal to
x > y Greater than
x >= y Greater than or equal to


Syntax Semantics
a or b Strict disjunction (only on true and false)
a and b Strict conjunction (only on true and false)
not a Strict negation (only on true and false)
a || b Disjunction on generalized booleans
a && b Conjunction on generalized booleans
!a Negation on generalized booleans


Syntax Semantics
[x|xs] List construction
xs ++ ys List concatenation
x in xs List membership
x not in xs List membership negation
Syntax Semantics
s1 <> s2 String concatenation
s =~ regex Regex match