Cheat Sheets

A collection of cheat sheets.

Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



xs = [1, 2, 3]
ys = [ 1, 2 | [3, 4] ]

List Operations

Syntax Description
hd Head
tl Tail
x in xs Membership
xs ++ ys Concatenation
xs -- ys Removes first occurrence of each y from xs

Indexing operations

Syntax Description, i, default \\ nil) Indexing, returns elt or default
Enum.fetch(xs, i) Indexing, returns {:ok, elt} or :error
Enum.fetch!(xs, i) Indexing, returns elt or raises exception

Looping Operations

Syntax Description
Enum.all?(xs, f \\ id) Check if all f(x) are truthy
Enum.any?(xs, f \\ id) Check if some f(x) is truthy
Enum.count(xs, f) Count how many f(x) are truthy
Enum.each(xs, f) Calls f for every x
Enum.filter(xs, f) Returns those x where f(x) is truthy
Enum.find(xs, default \\ nil, f) Finds first x for which f(x) is truthy
Enum.find_index(xs, f) Index of first x for which f(x) is truthy, or nil
Enum.flat_map(xs, f) Flattening of [ f(x1), f(x2), ... ], f) [f(x1), f(x2), ... ]
Enum.reduce(xs, f) Fold with f(x, acc)
Enum.reduce(xs, init, f) Fold with f(x, acc)
Enum.reject(xs, f) Returns those x where f(x) is falsey
Enum.sum(xs) Returns sum
Enum.with_index(xs, start_i) Pairs items up with index {x[i], i} Zips xss into list of tuples, ys) Zips xs and ys into list of tuples

Misc Operations

Syntax Description
Enum.drop(xs, n) Drops n first elements of xs
Enum.join(xs, sep \\ "") Produces string
Enum.length(xs) Length of xs
Enum.max(xs, if_empty_func) Maximum
Enum.max_by(xs, f, if_empty_func) Maximum
Enum.min(xs, if_empty_func) Minimum
Enum.min_by(xs, f, if_empty_func) Minimum
Enum.random(xs) Random element from xs
Enum.reverse(xs) Reverses order
Enum.shuffle(xs) Shuffles order
Enum.slice(xs, range) Returns slice
Enum.slice(xs, start, len) Returns slice
Enum.sort(xs) Sorts
Enum.sort_by(xs, key_f, sorter_f \\ &<=/2) Sorts
Enum.split(xs, n) Splits xs in two parts where first part contains n elements
Enum.uniq(xs) Removes duplicates
Enum.uniq_by(xs, eq_f) Removes duplicates