Advanced Programming Topics Course Material
When you write a programming in, say, JavaScript, you are probably mixing different styles of programming without realizing it. Not that there’s anything wrong with using different styles, everyone does it. It’s also impractical to write code purely in a single style, given that each style has distinct advantages and disadvantages.
However, being aware of programming styles, and knowing which style to use in which circumstances, might help you become a better programmer.
Before we start examining the different styles: you should not expect clear cut definitions that will allow you to label any piece of code as being 100% written in a particular style. There’s a lot of vagueness and impurities involved. To those who find this frustrating: do not despair. What’s important is what actual concepts you use to build up your program, not how you label the final product.
Here’s a short overview:
The imperative style focuses on telling the computer how to produce a result. Typically, an imperative program consists of a succession of instructions that have to be executed in order. Writing in assembly is probably the purest form of imperative programming.
The declarative style, however, describes what the final result should look like and prefers not preoccupy itself with how to get there.
To make this distinction clearer, let’s apply these ideas to a simple example.
We assume you know what Sudoku puzzles are; if you are not, please familiarize yourself with them.
Imperative code would describe how to solve them. For example, the following rules could be implemented:
Let’s now solve a Sudoku puzzle using a declarative style. As mentioned before, we do not need to tell how to solve it, only to define what it means for a puzzle to be solved. Our code would contain the following rules:
Given only these rules, it’s up to the computer to find the solution. To give an actual concrete example, here’s a simplified Prolog program that solves Sudokus:
solve( [ [ X11, X21, X31, X41, X51, X61, X71, X81, X91 ],
[ X12, X22, X32, X42, X52, X62, X72, X82, X92 ],
[ X13, X23, X33, X43, X53, X63, X73, X83, X93 ],
[ X14, X24, X34, X44, X54, X64, X74, X84, X94 ],
[ X15, X25, X35, X45, X55, X65, X75, X85, X95 ],
[ X16, X26, X36, X46, X56, X66, X76, X86, X96 ],
[ X17, X27, X37, X47, X57, X67, X77, X87, X97 ],
[ X18, X28, X38, X48, X58, X68, X78, X88, X98 ],
[ X19, X29, X39, X49, X59, X69, X79, X89, X99 ] ]) :-
between(1, 9, X11),
between(1, 9, X21),
between(1, 9, X31),
between(1, 9, X99),
X11 =\= X21,
X11 =\= X31,
X11 =\= X41,
X89 =\= X99.
While the above code works, Prolog does allow for more elegant solutions than a hard-coded enumeration of constraints. We chose to favor readability; a better implementation would be less understandable due to Prolog’s idiosyncratic syntax.
The code above makes Prolog look for values for the 81 variables
(representing the squares of the Sudoku puzzle) so that
all constraints are satisfied. To solve a Sudoku puzzle, we can write:
solve([[ 5, 3, _, _, 7, _, _, _, _ ],
[ 6, _, _, 1, 9, 5, _, _, _ ],
[ _, 9, 8, _, _, _, _, 6, _ ],
[ 8, _, _, _, 6, _, _, _, 3 ],
[ 4, _, _, 8, _, 3, _, _, 1 ],
[ 7, _, _, _, 2, _, _, _, 6 ],
[ _, 6, _, _, _, _, 2, 8, _ ],
[ _, _, _, 4, 1, 9, _, _, 5 ],
[ _, _, _, _, 8, _, _, 7, 9 ]]).
Admittedly, if you were to run this code in current Prolog implementations, you’ll probably have to wait a very long time before you get your answer: the algorithm first fills all empty squares with ones and checks if all constraints are satisfied. If not, it removes the last 1 and replaces it by a 2, and rechecks the constraints. It goes on like this, trying out every possibility, until it finds one that is a valid Sudoku solution.
One could reasonably say that the fact that it takes forever to generate a result makes it useless. This shortcoming is not inherent to Prolog itself, but to Prolog compilers/interpreters: as of yet, they are simply not smart enough to run it efficiently. However, given the fact that the Sudoku problem has been fully specified, it is theoretically possible to write a compiler that is able to derive a smart solving algorithm for it. It’s just a matter of time until we get there.
This idea is not that far fetched: remember that when you first encountered Sudoku puzzles, the only information you received is the same as what is encoded in the above code. You were not given specific instructions of how to solve the puzzle. Still you were able to devise a solving algorithm on your own. If a human can do it, so can a machine.
When you’re writing code, you’re probably writing it mostly in an imperative style. We distinguish two “substyles”:
Imperative programming is characterized by the fact that programs are long series of instructions that need to be executed in the given order. The way these instructions are organized is what distinguished procedural from object-oriented programming.
Procedural programming is quite old, which often means it involves only basic concepts.
// Example in C-like language
// Fraction record
struct Fraction
int numerator;
int denominator;
// Procedure for creating fractions
Fraction create_fraction(int numerator, int denominator)
Fraction f;
f.numerator = numerator;
f.denominator = denominator;
return f;
// Procedure to multiply fractions
Fraction multiply(Fraction a, Fraction b)
Fraction f;
f.numerator = a.numerator * b.numerator;
f.denominator = a.denominator * b.denominator;
return f;
// Usage
Fraction a = create_fraction(1, 2);
Fraction b = create_fraction(3, 4);
Fraction p = multiply(a, b);
The second “imperative substyle” is object-oriented programming, which is a more advanced form of procedural programming: functions and the data are grouped into objects.
// Example in C#
class Fraction
public Fraction(int numerator, int denominator)
this.Numerator = numerator;
this.Denominator = denominator;
public int Numerator { get; set; }
public int Denominator { get; set; }
public Fraction Multiply(Fraction that)
var numerator = this.Numerator * that.Numerator;
var denominator = this.Denominator * that.Denominator;
return new Fraction(numerator, denominator);
public static Fraction operator *(Fraction left, Fraction right)
return left.Multiply(right);
// Usage
Fraction a = new Fraction(1, 2);
Fraction b = new Fraction(3, 4);
Fraction p = a * b;
The goal is to provide better abstraction: the data is hidden inside the object; access to it must be mediated by the object’s functions (generally called methods in the OO world.)
Object-oriented programming is quite a large topic:
Fortunately, you should already be quite at ease with OO-programming, so we need not delve into this particular programming style.
As a quick reminder of the overall structure, we copy the overview from above:
In the declarative world, we distinguish two substyles: functional and logic programming.
Logic programming is quite different from what you’re used to, so different even that discussing it would lead us too far away from our original goal, namely providing you with a context in which to place functional programming.
A short explanation is included in a separate file for those interested in having a peek at a fundamentally different programming paradigm, but it can be skipped; we will not refer to it in any way.
We could say that functional programming consists of organizing your code as a bunch of functions, but that wouldn’t be very helpful, since it is not clear how it would differ from procedural programming.
Since our goal is to examine functional programming in depth and this text has grown large already, we continue on a fresh page.