Advanced Programming Topics

Advanced Programming Topics Course Material


Problem Statement

Let’s go back to our AverageMenAge example:

int AverageMenAge(List<Person> people)
    var total;

    for ( var person in people )
        if ( person.Male )
            total += person.Age;

        return int total / people.Count;

As explained earlier, this code does three things:

In the code above, these three “subalgorithms” are interwoven, which prevents reuse. To remedy this, we disentangled them as follows:

int AverageMenAge(List<Person> people)
    var males = Select(people, p => p.Male);
    var maleAges = Map(males, p => p.Age);
    return Average(maleAges);

The three subalgorithms have become calls Select, Map and Average, three separate functions that can be reused in entirely different contexts.

However, we neglected to mention that this new approach suffers from a severe drawback: it consumes a lot more memory. Let’s compare how much memory is required for both approaches. Say the List<Person> contains a million objects, half of which represent males.

We conclude that in this case, the functional approach requires twice as much memory. It gets only worse as the algorithms becomes more complicated: at each step a new list of intermediary results needs to be build. We can find consolation in the fact that this memory consumption is temporary: once AverageMenAge has computed its result, all these lists are ready to be garbage collected, i.e., there’s only a temporary spike in memory consumption. But still…

Fortunately, there’s a solution to this problem.

Prime Sets

Let’s consider an entirely different example for a moment: the set of primes. What if we tasked you with implementing the set of all primes? How would you go about it? Feel free to think about this for a while.

ISet<int> CreatePrimeSet()
    // ???

The most straightforward way to implement this function would be to simply create a HashSet<int> and fill it with prime numbers:

ISet<int> CreatePrimeSet()
    var primes = new HashSet<int>();

    for ( int i = 2; i > 0; ++i )
        if ( IsPrime(i) )

    return primes;

This approach has some flaws:

Once the set is constructed, you can rely it to very quickly determine whether an int is prime or not:

var primes = CreatePrimeeSet(); // Takes a long time

primes.Contains(15485863); // Immediate response

An alternative implementation would be

class PrimeSet : ISet<int>
    public bool Contains(int n)
        return IsPrime(n);

    public void Add(int n)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("PrimeSet is readonly");

    // Other ISet methods, throw exceptions in all mutating methods

ISet<int> CreatePrimeSet()
    return new PrimeSet();

The drawback, however, is that asking whether a number is prime is a bit slower:

var primes = CreatePrimeeSet(); // Really fast

primes.Contains(15485863); // Takes a bit of time

(We can also combine both approaches, yielding an implementation that combines the advantages of both. We won’t discuss it here, as it would distract us from the topic at hand.)

The first implementation can be said to be eager: it computes everything beforehand. The second implementation is called lazy: you postpone the computations to the last possible moment. This way, you only perform computations that are actually necessary.

The point of this example is to make you realize a set is not necessarily a data structure with all data readily stored somewhere in memory. If I give you a set, whatever I give you only needs to behave as if it was a set. A class can pull all the shenanigans it wants internally as long as it observable behavior satisfies expectations.


Let’s go back to our AverageMenAge example and see how we can apply our new insights to this case. Earlier, we were complaining about the fact that the functional style required more memory to store intermediary lists, but the prime set example taught us that what seems to be a list in memory doesn’t really have to actually be a list in memory.

First, a quick disclaimer: the goal is to reach a specific solution in an incremental fashion, which enables you to better understand the final product. The problem is that our road towards this destination is a bit bumpy, and at this point we’re reaching a rather large bump: we’ll go through a phase where we present a rather intimidating solution that if we were to actually implement it, might count hundreds of rather complex lines of code. However, immediately after, we’ll be able to drastically reduce the amount of code we need, after which we further simplify it by relying on one of C#’s features. Eventually, we’ll end up with a solution that counts around 2 lines of very simple code. So, please keep in mind that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel.

Okay, let’s begin. As a reminder, this is AverageMenAge’s implementation:

int AverageMenAge(List<Person> people)
    var males = Select(people, p => p.Male);
    var maleAges = Map(males, p => p.Age);
    return Average(maleAges);

List<R> Map<T, R>(List<T> xs, Func<T, R> fetcher)
    var result = new List<R>();

    foreach ( var x in xs )
        result.Add( fetcher(x) );

    return result;

Both Select and Map return “true lists”, i.e., lists whose contents are actually present in memory, which is exactly what we intend to avoid. We need to find a way to turn them both lazy.

Below, we’ll only examine how to deal with the second function, Map. The same tricks can be applied to Select, but it involves a lot more unnecessary details.

Make sure you understand what Map does: given a list of N Persons, it returns a list of N integers, which correspond to the Person’s ages. There is a clear 1-to-1 relation between the list of Persons and the list of ints.

Consider now the class below:

class PersonAgeList : IList<int>
    private readonly List<Person> people;

    public PersonAgeList(List<Person> people)
        this.people = people;

    public int this[int index] => people[index].age;

    public int Count => people.Count;

    public void Add(Person person)
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

    // Other IList<int> members

Here, we have implemented a new IList<int> class:

Note how PersonAgeList consumes almost no memory. Earlier, if we had a list of half a million male Persons, Map would build a list of half a million ages, because all ages were copied into a new list. Now, PersonAgeList simply keeps a link back to the List<Person> and knows how to extract its data from there.

We can generalize this class:

class MapList<T, R> : IList<R>
    private readonly IList<T> originalData;

    private readonly Func<T, R> mappingFunction;

    public PersonAgeList(IList<T> originalData, Func<T, R> mappingFunction)
        this.originalData = originalData;
        this.mappingFunction = mappingFunction;

    public R this[int index] => mappingFunction(originalData[index]);

    public int Count => originalData.Count;

    public void Add(T item)
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

    // Other IList<int> members

Our new Map function thus becomes:

IList<R> Map<T, R>(IList<T> xs, Func<T, R> fetcher)
    return new MapList<T, R>(xs, fetcher);

Take your time to understand this code and the types involved: T denotes the “original data” (e.g. Person), while U corresponds to the output type (e.g. int).

Similarly, we could implement a SelectList<T> class that filters “on demand”. It’s a bit more complex to implement, since there is no predictable relation between the indices of the originalData and the SelectList<T> itself. Motivated readers can feel free to implement it. (TODO: link to exercise)

Now it looks as if every operation like Select and Map needs its own specialized IList<T> implementation. This is certainly a viable approach and has certain advantages, but it’s also a lot of work. Perhaps we can simplify things a bit.

IList<T> is a relatively large interface: it counts 3 properties and 10 methods, all of which need to be implemented by subtypes. But do we really need all this functionality? Enter IEnumerable<T>: this interface models a list with minimal functionality. It only has a single member GetEnumerator(), which allows us to ask for the list’s items one by one. This is typically done using a foreach loop:

IEnumerable<T> xs;

foreach ( var x in xs ) { ... } // Uses `IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()` internally

If we reimplement Select and Map to return an IEnumerable<T> instead of an IList<T>, the MapList and SelectList classes would be much quicker to write, as they would need only to contain a single method, i.e., GetEnumerator(). We leave the implementation of these classes as an exercise (TODO: link to exercise).

Unfortunately, we are still being burdened with having to write an entire new class per function. While GetEnumerator() is not not particularly difficult to implement, it’s work, and we’re in the business of being lazy. So let’s put some extra effort in finding a quicker solution.


To reiterate: we want to write a function that returns an IEnumerable<T> that works lazily, i.e., it does not store all items elements in memory at once, but instead is able to generate them on demand.

While it might seem overkill to examine such a specific case so thoroughly, this pattern is actually quite common. So common, in fact, that many languages (such as C#, Python and JavaScript) offer specialized features specifically for these situations.

C# provides a special kind of return, named yield return. A quick little demo:

IEnumerable<int> Foo()
    var result = new List<int>();


    return result;

This code is rather straightforward: it creates a list and returns it. Nothing spectacular about it. Note that it is eager: it uses List, which actually stores the 1, 2 and 3 in memory. If Foo were to add all numbers till one million, the list would consume 4MB of memory.

We now rewrite this code making use of our brand new toy:

IEnumerable<int> Bar()
    yield return 1;
    yield return 2;
    yield return 3;

Here, Bar also constructs a list containing 1, 2, 3, albeit with a different syntax. Note that, contrary to return, the yield return statements do not end the function: execution goes until the very end of the function’s body.

We can use Bar in conjunction with a foreach loop:

foreach ( var x in Bar() )

This will print out 1, 2, 3 on separate lines. So, right now, yield return appears to merely be a slightly more concise syntax for returning lists. But there’s more to it than that. It is actually lazy. To prove this, we add print instructions as follows:

IEnumerable<int> Bar()
    yield return 1;
    yield return 2;
    yield return 3;

var xs = Bar();
foreach ( var x in xs )

If Bar were eager, like Foo, the following output would be generated:


TODO: Link to sample But this is not the output you receive. Instead, you get


How could this happen? To understand this, keep in mind that Bar() is being lazy, meaning it will do the absolute minimum amount of effort needed. Execution thus proceeds as follows:

In short, yield return returns the next element in the list and suspends the function. When the next element in the list is requested, execution goes on just after the yield return until either the next yield return or until the function runs out of statements.

Let’s go a step further:

public IEnumerable<int> Qux()
    int i = 0;
    while ( true )
        yield return i;

Before reading further, try to find out what this does.

Qux has a yield return sitting inside a loop. The first iteration yield returns 0, the next 1, etc. This results in Qux producing all integers one by one, so basically, it returns an infinite list. If you were to foreach it, the loop would never end. In practice, it will reach Int.MaxValue, wraps around to Int.MinValue, so it would go from 0 to 2 billion, fall down to -2 billion, go up to 2 billion, fall back down to -2 billion, etc. The sample infinite-list shows this in action applied on sbytes, which are limited to the range -128 - 127.

To summarize, yield return can be used to implement functions that return an IEnumerable<T> and lazily generate its elements. This is a memory efficient approach to working with large lists.

Back to Select and Map

We let our new-found powers loose on Select and Map:

IEnumerable<T> Select<T>(IEnumerable<T> xs, Func<T, bool> predicate)
    foreach ( var x of xs )
        if ( predicate(x) )
            yield return x;
IEnumerable<R> Map<T, R>(IEnumerable<T> xs, Func<T, R> mappingFunction)
    foreach ( var x of xs )
        yield return mappingFunction(x);

We reevaluate our functional implementation of AverageMenAge:

int AverageMenAge(List<Person> people)
    var males = Select(people, p => p.Male);
    var maleAges = Map(males, p => p.Age);
    return Average(maleAges);

Before we started using yield return, males and maleAges were large lists, which consumed a lot of memory, making the functional approach less appealing. Thanks to the laziness introduced by relying on yield return, the memory consumption is cut down to approximately the same level of the imperative solution. There is still overhead, but the advantages (reusability, readability) outweigh this small cost.

Lazy list generation is safe to use in stateless parts of your program, but it becomes more unpredictable in imperative settings.

When you generate a list eagerly (i.e. no yield return but a regular List), the entire process is uninterrupted: there are no external interferences. With lazy generation, your function is, as it were, cut in pieces, each piece being executed at different times. It is possible that in between such partial executions the world has changed, making your algorithm fail.

For example, consider the Range class below which you can use to enumerate ints between an lower and upper bound.

class Range
    public Range(int lower, int upper)
        this.LowerBound = lower;
        this.UpperBound = upper;

    public int LowerBound { get; set; }

    public int UpperBound { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<int> EagerEnumerate()
        var result = new List<int>();

        for ( var i = LowerBound; i <= UpperBound; ++i )

        return result;

    public IEnumerable<int> LazyEnumerate()
        for ( var i = LowerBound; i <= UpperBound; ++i )
            yield return i;

// Usage
var range = new Range(10, 20);

// Eager
foreach ( var i in ange.EagerEnumerate() )

// Lazy
foreach ( var i in range.LazyEnumerate() )

Both use cases produce the exact same result. However, the range is mutable, i.e., the LowerBound and UpperBound properties are settable. Let’s see what happens if they are modified.

var range = new Range(10, 20);

// Eager
foreach ( var i in range.EagerEnumerate() )

// Lazy
foreach ( var i in range.LazyEnumerate() )

The eager version constructs the entire list of ints when range.EagerEnumerate() is called. Once it is constructed, the foreach loop proceeds to iterate over each element. Whatever happens inside the loop body, it cannot impact the list constructed by EagerEnumerate(). In other words, the eager version prints the values from 10 to 20.

The lazy version, however, never ends. At each iteration, the UpperBound moves up, causing LazyEnumerate’s i never to reach UpperBound. In this example, the problem is a bit flagrant and forced, but remember that in practice, a loop can be much more complicated, involving calls to objects that call other objects, and before you know it, somewhere in the loop body someone changes your range or whatever thing you are iterating over. This leads to bugs that can be quite difficult to find.

To safeguard against such eventualities, you can introduce more statelessness:

Generators in Python

Python calls functions that lazily generate lists generators.

def range(a, b):
    while a < b:
      yield a
      a += 1

for x in range(1, 10):

prints all integers from 1 to 10 (exclusive). range is actually already built in, so there’s no need to define it yourself.

Generators in JavaScript

In the same vein, JavaScript supports generators.

function* range(a, b)
  while ( a < b )
    yield a;
    a += 1;

for ( const x of foo() )

Note the asterisk: yield can only be used in function*s.

Generators were introduced in ES2015. My guess the weird asterisk in function* was necessary to maintain backward compatibility: adding a new keyword such as yield is always risky, since it’s possible some existing code uses yield as a variable/function name. Since it is generally forbidden to use keywords as function names (e.g. you cannot name a method class in Java), code using yield as a variable name would suddenly become rejected due to syntax errors.

To avoid breaking legacy code, yield is only a keyword when used inside function*s. Outside these, yield can be used as a variable name.

function foo()
    let yield = 1; // ok

function* bar()
    let yield = 1; // syntax error

Streams in Java

Java provides no language support. Instead, it “fakes” it using Stream objects which provide methods to construct lazy lists. In general, this means that sacrifices have to be made syntax-wise.

Stream<Integer> range(int a, int b)
    return Stream.iterate(a, (Integer k) -> k + 1).limit(Math.max(0, b - a));

Disclaimer: there may be a simpler way to implement range; you’re welcome to let me know and I’ll update it correspondingly.

The implementation above first constructs an infinite stream containing a, a+1, a+2, … Next, it is cut off after b - a elements. The max is necessary to deal with cases where b - a < 0.

TODO Exercises