Advanced Programming Topics

Advanced Programming Topics Course Material

Evaluation Order

Although this section might appear rather theoretical, it shouldn’t be hard to understand. Also know that the matter discussed here will be very important in order to understand later topics, such as generators and concurrency.

Order in Imperative Settings

Imperative programming consists of writing down a series of instructions. These are expected to be executed in the given order: it’s (more or less) a promise the language makes: if you specify three instructions, they will be executed in that order. (This is technically not 100% true, we’ll come back to this in another topic.)

However, there are cases in which rearranging the instructions in a different order will result in more efficient execution without changing the ultimate outcome. For example,

void Foo(int x, int y)
    y *= 2;
    Console.WriteLine($"x={x}, y={y}");

Now imagine that, for some reason, it’d be faster to perform the multiplication first and then the incrementation. It can be proven that the end result will remain the same, so an optimizing compiler would be free to swap these instructions around:

void Foo(int x, int y)
    y *= 2;
    Console.WriteLine($"x={x}, y={y}");

Let’s change the function a bit:

void Foo(int[] x, int[] y)
    y[0] *= 2;
    Console.WriteLine($"x={x[0]}, y={y[0]}");

Though this may seem a bit artificial, realize that this is no different than a situation where x and y were part of any other object instead of of arrays. The sole reason for using arrays is to avoid having to burden the example with an extra class definition.

In this version, it is not safe anymore to exchange the first two lines due to the possibility that x and y might refer to the same array:

int[] x = new int[] { 5 };
Foo(x, x);

The relevance of order follows from the stateful nature of imperative programming: because variables can change values, the time at which a variable is looked at matters. If an instruction is postponed to a later moment, the variables on which it operates might have changed by then, causing different results to be produced.

Order in a Functional Setting

Contrary to the imperative style, functional programming has no state. A logical consequence of this is that evaluation order does not matter. There are a few nuances to this claim and we want to make sure that there are no misunderstandings.

Evaluation order has nothing to do with operator precedence. For example, 5 + 3 * 2 is purely functional, but it still requires you to perform the multiplication first and the addition next. Operator precedence is nothing more than a syntactic trick to avoid having to write parentheses all over: 5 + 3 * 2 is merely a shorthand notation for 5 + (3 * 2).

So, where does this free to choose evaluation order come into play. Consider the following:

This expression consists of three operations:

Of course, not every evaluation order is possible: O3 (the division) can only be computed after having evaluated both O1 and O2. You can only perform an operation if all necessary data is available. However, the order in which you evaluate O1 and O2 does not matter.

We can generalize this to the evaluation of function arguments:

Foo( Bar(x + 1, y / 2), Qux(z * 8, t - 5) );

In an imperative setting, the order in which the arguments are evaluated matters. Some languages guarantee a left-to-right evaluation order, but others make no such guarantees and pick any order that seems most efficient to the compiler. C++ is an extreme case: the language expects that you guarantee that the order does not matter so as to give the compiler total freedom in evaluation order. If you happen to write a function call where argument evaluation matters, you end up with undefined behavior (i.e., unpredictable results.) No such problems occur in functional code: no order needs to be specified since the order has no bearing on the final result, giving the compiler total freedom to optimize your code.

We can generalize this further: loops can be reversed, calls can be postponed or omitted altogether, etc.


We give a quick overview of the consequences of not having a strict evaluation order to adhere to. Most of these topics will be examined in more detail later.


If evaluation order does not matter, it means we can postpone evaluation indefinitely. In fact, we can defer it until the result of an evaluation is actually needed. This is known as lazy evaluation.

var a = Foo();
var b = Bar();
var c = Qux();

Console.WriteLine($"b = {b}, a = {a}");

In normal circumstances, the evaluation order would be

When applying lazy evaluation, the order becomes

Note how the evaluation order is purely determined by the last line. Qux() is never even invoked since there is no need to have its result. Skipping Qux() is only safe if we know it has no side effects (e.g. changing some internal variable’s value), which is always the case in a purely functional setting.

Since laziness is only safe to use in a purely functional context, languages do not apply it by default. Instead, laziness is often offered as part of a library. For example, it is part of C#’s standard library.


Imagine you have a file containing millions of bank transactions which you need to process, e.g., compute the total amount of money transferred. The code could look like this:

List<Transaction> transactions = ReadTransactions();
var total = 0;

foreach ( var transaction in transactions )
    total += transaction.Amount;

This code causes all the transactions to be read in at once and stored in memory as a List<Transaction>. Next, this list is iterated over: each Transaction is processed in sequential order.

In the case of very large lists, keeping it entirely in memory might cause problems. Can we somehow avoid this? Do we truly need to have all data in memory at once/

The code above only needs one Transaction at once. It does not need to jump around the list, or go back one item. We can use this fact to dramatically decrease the amount of memory needed.

It would make more sense to have the algorithm above proceed as follows:

Implementing ReadTransactions() so that it returns a list-like object that is able to return one Transaction at a time is certainly possible and not very hard, but it can get quite complex in more advanced situations. To aid you in such cases, some languages (C#, Python, JavaScript) provide generators: these are special functions that produce a list of values, but can be paused and resumed at will.

Memoization (not memorization)

Without state, all functions are deterministic: giving the same arguments will lead to the same result each time.

Say you have a computationally expensive function which you happen to call frequently. It might make sense to store results in a data structure to prevent the same results from being computed multiple times.


If you are spreading execution across multiple threads, functional programming can considerably simplify your life.

In an imperative setting, the value of a variable changes over time: depending on the moment you choose to read a variable, you can get a different result.

Threads need to communicate with each other somehow. This can be achieved by relying on what is called shared state: variables that both threads can read and write to. For example, one thread can inform another of its progress by updating a shared int variable indicating how much percent of the work is done. The other thread can then wait till this variable reaches 100 before proceeding:

// Shared state
int progress = 0;

// Thread 1
for ( int i = 0; i != 100; ++i )

// Thread 2 (e.g. GUI)
while ( progress < 100 )

(Note: do not write code like shown above as it will not work correctly.)

In order to obtain correct results, it is important that threads access this shared state in a disciplined manner. For example, we might want to prohibit threads from writing to the same variable at once, lest we obtain incorrect results. In other words, correct timing is of paramount importance.

Matters are greatly complicated by the unfortunate fact that threads are scheduled to run at completely unpredictable times. We are supposed to make sure each thread performs each task at the right time without knowing when each thread runs. Quite a predicament.

One way to solve this problem is to employ synchronization primitives such as semaphores, locks, monitors, etc. to put constraints on when each thread can execute which instructions. Unfortunately, this is very hard to do reliably and mistakes are very difficult to detect.

Another solution is to get rid of mutable state altogether: purely functional code requires no synchronization whatsoever and is thread-safe by default.